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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

Fire Damage Restoration Plan.

4/29/2024 (Permalink)

A house fire is something that many people never want to experience and although they are uncommon, you need to have a plan in place with your family in case you encounter one. To start, always have an escape plan and make sure you and your family know it like the back of your hand because if this does happen overnight you don't have much time to think, you have to react. Take some time to practice because it could save your life!  Also, you need to have smoke detectors in the correct places and make sure your batteries are changed. (Roughly every 6 months according to The National Fire Protection Association) Make sure everyone in the house knows how to call 911 and what to say. Lastly, remain calm! It is a stressful situation but staying calm and following your plan will lead you and your family to safety, which is the main goal! In the event you do encounter a fire, call a professional at SERVPRO® to help your house look “Like it never even happened.”

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